We’ve made it easier than ever to donate:
Dear ACME Patrons, Donors, and Members;
For eight years now, I have been writing these letters for the Annual Appeal, but somehow, this year feels different. After taking some days to process current national events, the ACME would like to share the following message with our community.
Our mission is similar to that of cinema as a whole: To provide a communal experience among widely diverse people, in order to promote acceptance, reflection, and action. As Roger Ebert said, film is a machine that creates empathy.
Right now, as we face a world of uncertainty, this mission feels more important than ever.
The ACME will continue to be a safe, inspirational space for the cultural exchange of ideas, through films and more.
As we have done in the past, the theater will evolve while staying true to the experience of going to the movies. There will be more special events, centered around films, artists, and local happenings. We want to engage with what you, our audience, want to see and hope you will share your ideas with us at AcmeScreeningRoom@gmail.com. Whether you are a filmmaker, business owner, community member or organization, let’s work to fill our calendar with amazing evenings that bring us together to share and unwind.
We ask that you consider a donation to help us achieve these goals and weather these unsettled times.
As we move forward, know that our door is open to all. Thank you and see you at the movies!
Donna Muchnicki, Executive Director
Join us in reaching our goal of $15,000 by December 31.
$25 or $50 keeps us creating a well rounded line up of film offerings and experiences.
$100 pays the fee for a guest speaker.
$250 pays for the licensing of a film.
$500 covers the cost of a post screening reception.
We’ve made it easier than ever to donate:
Want to mail a check instead? Please make checks payable and mail to: Acme Screening Room, 25 S Union St, Lambertville, NJ 08530.